International Quality Test Sieves Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

International Quality Test Sieves

Product Code : TVT-ARTE-10299
Tvet Equipments is a leading International Quality Test Sieves Manufacturer,and suppliers in India,

Certificate of compliance supplied with every test sieve.
All 200 mm & 8” test sieves are supplied at full height 50 mm from top edge to the mesh while for 300 mm & 12” test sieves are supplied at full height 75 mm from the top edge.
The advantages of these test sieves design are laser label, no cutting edge, no material lodged, hidden mesh welding & flat mesh with uniform tension around the whole test sieves circumference.
Test Sieves available in 200 mm, +450 mm, 8” & 12” diameter with stainless steel body & either perforated plate or woven wire cloth mesh.


Office Address

Works: Tugalpur, S Sector KP-1, Behind Kailash Hospital,
Greater Noida City - 201310. Uttar Pradesh

[email protected]


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